Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Jelly from Juice

For my second canning experiment, I chose Pomegranate Jelly.  My boyfriend loves pomegranate juice, so it's something we have around the house quite often.  Using juice from a bottle rather than squeezing it out of a gazzilion tiny seeds appealed to my sense of immediacy, and I figured, why not?

Again, I changed the recipe, though.  I used Splenda rather than sugar, and I certainly didn't use 7 1/2 cups!  One thing I've noticed in a great many of the canning recipes I've looked at is that they use an incredible amount of sugar.  I prefer jellies and jams that taste more like the fruit they're made from and less like fruit-flavoured sugar syrup, so for this recipe I went with 3 cups.  I also used low-or-no sugar pectin rather than regular.

It set up really well!  I got 9 4-oz jars out of it.

Me: 2, Canning Gremlins: 0.

I was so excited by my canning prowess that I gave several of them away to friends.  My success here caused a problem, though:  I got cocky.

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